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What does the US election mean for black American's?

With many Americans anxiously awaiting the fate for their country, the 2020 election has looked very different, with the highest participation rate in a decade. This is a very pivotal moment in history, with BAME votes playing a huge part in this years election. The number of black Americans now eligible to vote has risen to 30 million. Likewise, a third of these individuals live in the key battleground states. With Joe Biden currently in favour to win, what does the future for black individuals now hold?

Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

Joe Biden is at an advantage with the first black running mate, Kamala Harris. This will act as a major empowering attribute to the BAME community, as well as presenting a headstrong, black female who will inspire millions. With racial inequality, crime and police brutality being major issues, the pair are expected to help reshape the community, providing a sense of reassurance. Biden has reiterated his desire to improve the quality of life for many individuals. It is clear that the Democrat party will prioritise healthcare and equality, in favour of black Americans. This is especially important as black Americans are disproportionately affected by Covid-19. They are twice as likely to contract it, five times more likely to face hospitalisation and twice as likely to die from the virus as opposed to white Americans. Healthcare is a major concern for black voters, with Obamacare providing solace to those who are unable to afford the absurd rates.

Credit: Robyn Beck Agence France-Presse — Getty

Furthermore, many black voters demand greater equality. Although this should be an existing factor, racism and inequality have divided many communities for decades. Many individuals are fighting for black communities to be reformed, with the right to own businesses, and be eligible for equal rights. Additionally, the more change we implicate now, the more positive impact this will have on future generations, with parents feeling more secure knowing their children will be granted fair treatment and opportunities. Likewise, the Democrat party are working hard to ensure that structural and systematic racism will soon see it’s end, in both the economy and society. Although black people face prejudice from all around the world, police brutality rates are especially high within America. A democratic leader will hopefully help reduce these rates, creating a safer environment for the community.

With all this being said, it is apparent that the election will benefit not just black communities but America as a collective. It goes without saying that the US election will also have an impact globally.

Through the advocation for equality, the US also want to provide their citizens with more economic relief. A recent study by LaTosha Brown states that “black women are often more likely to be hourly wage workers, work in lower-paying, service-oriented jobs, and be out of work due to the pandemic.” In addition to this, black people have faced the highest rates of employability during the current pandemic at 14.6%, with Hispanics behind at 12.9%. These figures are significantly lower than their white counterparts who have an employment rate of around 9.4%. It is clear that ethnic minorities are more at risk during the pandemic in terms of financial stability and employment. The main aim is to reduce these stresses around the globe and not just within the United States of America.


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