New family code draft proposes to allow same-sex marriage in Cuba

A new family code draft for Cuba offers same-sex couples to marry and to adopt children.
In order for the draft to go ahead, it must be passed by Cuba's parliament, then go to a grassroots plebiscite. However, the island's government has turned down similar proposals in the past.
Three years ago the government prevented enshrining gay marriage protections in their new constitution.
There are several aims this new family code hopes to achieve, one of them is: "It protects all expressions of family diversity and the right of each person to establish a family in coherence with the Constitution of the Republic and its principles of equality, non-discrimination and human dignity".
Yamila González Ferrer, vice president of the National Union of Jurists of Cuba, expressed that the new family code draft is much more than just approving of same-sex marriage. González said:
“It protects all expressions of family diversity and the right of each person to establish a family in coherence with the constitutional principles of plurality, inclusion, and human dignity”.
To read the proposal for the new family code, you can find it here