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Throw your shade! We explore the Colonialism of Colourism & reclaim Women's beauty

Colourism is a big issue in today’s society, often drowned out by the term racism – Many people forget that internalised racism and discrimination against someone’s skin tone is very much a real issue. We're picking up this conversation again and we want your opinion!

Black women are just as likely to face colourism from their mixed-race competitors as well as members who don’t fall into the BAME community. Asian women speak of prayers being said over them if they are born too dark skinned and bleaching products are at the ready to 'fix' the 'problem' of dark skin.

What is colourism?

Join us for our magazine and Podcast special where we'll uncover the colonialist ideologies that haunt women of colour to this day. We explore the use of bleaching products and the manufacturers who make them. We've got lot's to say on the issue of how we reclaim a positive notion of beauty and what that means for all women.

Dont miss it. Subscribe to get your updates and to join the discussion.

Have you got an opinion? Use the chat bar (bottom right) to leave an opinion, we might give you a mention and include it in the Podcast. Or tell us if you would like to take part in a Podcast discussion.


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