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Support for Scottish independence higher than ever due to UK's handling of Covid-19

The handling of the current pandemic in the UK has spurred on a mass call for independence by the Scottish public.

Growing support for Scotland's political leader Nicola Sturgeon, and the disapproval of Brexit, is driving renewed backing for independence from the UK.

Besides the desire to remain its ties with Europe, many pro-independence Scots who narrowly lost out on a referendum to gain Scottish independence, have argued that the British establishment is imperialist, and has stamped all over Scotland, just as they did the colonies.

With no true campaigning for Scottish independence occurring at the moment, public-response polls are discovering that the desire for Scotland to manage its own affairs independent of the UK's say, is now at around 54 per cent.

Image credit: John Devlin/The Scotsman

With Sturgeon's response to the coronavirus outbreak appearing to be in control and the government response in London widely regarded as 'chaotic' and 'incompetent', support for Sturgeon and her goal for an independent Scotland has rocketed.

With the addition of Britain's choppy Brexit negotiations, Scottish nationalists have seen an increase in support from initial non-supporters who have started to realise that Scottish independence may be the way forward for a more harmonious and prosperous nation.

If backing for an independent Scotland continues at this rate, Boris Johnson and his government will have no choice but to recognise the possibility of devising another referendum that gives the Scottish public a choice of whether they want an independent Scotland or not.

Next week, the launch of a new campaign will go ahead that fights for Scotland to remain in Europe.

Fergus Mutch, director of 'EU and ME', says: "Scotland is firmly a pro-EU country and so we should be campaigning, and campaigning hard, to make sure we are back in Europe".

We are in the midst of a power struggle between the nations that make up the United Kingdom, with Scotland, at the moment, having the upper hand.

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