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The future for women: the outcome of Roe vs Wade

Updated: Mar 17, 2023

The US supreme court decided to overturn the legal right to abortion. This right was originally safeguarded by the 1973 ruling, Roe v Wade.

There has been plenty of outrage against the outcome of Roe v Wade

But what is Roe v Wade?

Roe v Wade all started with Norma McCorvery. The 25-year-old woman in 1969 became pregnant in Texas, but she did not want to keep her baby. However abortion at the time was prohibited unless keeping the baby endangered the mother’s life.

With the support of lawyers, McCorvery decided to file a lawsuit, but with a fake name, ‘Jane Roe’, in order to object on Texas’ abortion laws.

Although her case was rejected, she appealed the ruling which led to her case being brought to the US Supreme Court. The court ruled that the government did not have the authority to prevent abortions, by a seven to two vote, a woman’s choice to have an abortion was safeguarded under the constitution.

What’s happening now with Roe v Wade?

Despite this previous ruling protecting the legal rights to abortion. The US Supreme Court had overruled this previous ruling by a six to three vote. Unfortunately, this has reintroduced the criminalisation of abortions in almost half of US states.

This decision has led to a widespread backlash globally, due to women losing their bodily autonomy. Women’s rights seem to be going backwards, rather than forwards, as we have been here once before.

Having the right to have an abortion has been stripped away from women in the US. The reason why a woman may decide to have an abortion, could be anything from health-related issues, not wanting to conceive a child due to sexual assault reason, or simply because they were not ready to have a child.

How are people reacting?

Women not only in America, but globally are sharing their outrage towards this decision.

For example, the Former First Lady of The United States, Michelle Obama shared her thoughts over the ruing on Twitter: “I am heartbroken that we may now be destined to learn the painful lessons of a time before Roe was made law of the land - a time when women risked losing their lives getting illegal abortions.” Michelle Obama via Twitter.

However, it appears that some agree with the ruling. Danny Kruger, a conservative MP shared his thoughts on this ruling by stating “the fact is i probably disagree with most members who have spoken so far about this question. They think that women have an absolute right of bodily autonomy in this matter. Whereas I think in the case of abortion that right is qualified by the fact that another body is involved.” Danny Kruger via The House of Commons.

This overruling of Roe v Wade goes against everything that was originally fought for. It is not only saddening news for the US, but also for the world.